Fill more shifts with less clicks.

Your workforce has moved with the times - using technology for everything from shopping to self-care. Your clients are moving too - relying on an ever-growing temporary workforce to fulfil dynamic labor needs at an unprecedented scale. JoinedUp lets you keep pace.

  • Simplify scheduling and secure more shifts with fewer clicks
  • Enhance the worker experience with streamlined, automated onboarding processes
  • Full visibility from start to finish enhances transparency and boosts trust with your clients
  • Ditch outdated workflows to meet and beat expectations at both ends of the chain.
Solutions - For Staffing Agencies - Section - Automate planning and allocation

Increase speed-to-fill shifts

Use dynamic algorithms to plan hundreds - even thousands - of shifts with a few clicks, up to a year ahead. Detailed real-time overviews of shift-fulfilment gives hiring managers more confidence.

Streamline candidate selection & schedule management

Build shortlists faster using our algorithm which organises candidates by qualifications, experience, location, rate and availability. Get real-time availability fed directly from your workers into your plan to prevent no-shows and double bookings.

Solutions - For Staffing Agencies - Section - Candidate matching and availability tracking
Solutions - For Staffing Agencies - Section - Time and attendance

Optimize attendance & time-tracking 

We empower workers to record their hours in real time, freeing your teams to focus on agency development and growth. Use QR or facial recognition technology to capture start, rest, and finish times accurately. Electronically generated timesheets improve accuracy and bring time savings. 

Simplify rate calculations

Eliminate reconciliations, reduce payroll queries and invoicing errors with automated rate calculations.  Set up role-based shift templates, handle overtime and bonuses, perform rate updates, enable workers to record expenses, and share timesheet data with clients. 

Solutions - For Staffing Agencies - Section - Finance and payroll
Solutions - For Staffing Agencies - Section -Automated KPI reporting-1

Tailor reports with instant insights

Centralized worker and client data offers a comprehensive real-time overview. Data-driven insights into spending and performance enable fact-based strategies for revenue and growth. Automate and schedule KPI reporting to share performance stats and relevant insights with clients, customisable for different stakeholders.

Improved worker experience 

Automated onboarding and compliance checking with profile and licensing reminders. See available and qualified worker profiles to plan and fill shifts at scale with a few clicks. Workers are empowered to edit their profiles, view their calendars, and manage their availability. 

Solutions - For Staffing Agencies - Section -Mobile optimised

Ready to find out more?

Speak to one of our experts who can help explore exactly what you need to help you manage your shift-based workforce

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