Insights from the shift-based workforce world

A better way to manage temp workers in the US hospitality industry

Written by JoinedUp | 17 June 2024
The hospitality industry is a dynamic and ever-evolving sector of the US economy. After the significant downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitality has made a notable rebound driven by a resurgence in leisure and business travel. The US hospitality market is expected to reach $235.96 billion in 2024, with projections indicating it will grow to $299.29 billion by 2029.
This rebound has been accelerated by robust recovery in the US events management industry, which is growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13% and is expected to reach $538.6 billion by 2030. In addition to sports and entertainment, the post-pandemic commercial events market is expanding again. In-person events are replacing and augmenting virtual events as marketing tools and revenue generators for their organizers.
Meeting seasonal and event-driven demand
Both industries – hospitality and events – are characterized by fluctuating demand and seasonal peaks. The need for additional staff surges dramatically during major holidays, sporting events, conventions, and festivals. Temporary workers play an indispensable role in meeting this demand. These workers provide the necessary flexibility and capacity that allow hotels, restaurants, event venues, and event staging and management companies to operate smoothly during their busiest times.
Temporary workers fill the critical gaps that permanent staff cannot cover, ensuring that customer service standards remain high even during these peak periods. For example, a hotel hosting a large conference will require additional housekeeping staff, front desk personnel, and catering support to accommodate the influx of guests. 
Without temporary workers, maintaining the quality of service during such high-demand periods would be challenging, potentially resulting in lost revenue and lower customer satisfaction.
Enhancing recruitment and scheduling with technology
The advent of digital technology has significantly transformed recruitment, scheduling, timekeeping, and payment processes for temporary workers in the hospitality industry. Traditional recruitment methods, such as walk-ins or newspaper ads, have been replaced by sophisticated digital platforms, matching employers with suitable candidates faster and more efficiently. 
Revolutionizing workforce management
In addition to speeding recruitment, technology is revolutionizing workforce management, enhancing efficiency, and reducing costs. Technological advancements positively impact several critical aspects of shift-based staffing:
  • Visibility and transparency: Workforce management systems provide real-time visibility into staff schedules, attendance, and performance. High-volume, shift-based staffing tools like JoinedUp offer dashboards that managers can use to monitor labor costs, employee hours, and productivity. This transparency helps in making informed decisions and optimizing workforce utilization.
  • Cost management: Effective scheduling software can prevent overstaffing and understaffing, ensuring that labor costs are kept in check. These tools can analyze data to recommend optimal staffing levels, avoiding unnecessary expenses while maintaining service quality. The platform also allows for scheduling a regular cadence of service level reviews with suppliers to ensure rates charged are aligned with established budgets and guidelines.
  • Rapid scheduling: Automated scheduling systems can significantly reduce the time required to create and adjust schedules. With features like availability management and time and attendance tracking, employees can easily manage their own schedules, leading to increased flexibility and job satisfaction.
  • Legal and regulatory compliance: Compliance with a growing array of national, state, and local labor laws and regulations is crucial in the hospitality industry. Technology can help businesses stay compliant by tracking work hours, ensuring proper rest periods, and managing documentation for tax purposes and other regulatory requirements. Software solutions like JoinedUp provide comprehensive compliance tools that mitigate the risk of legal issues.
  • Risk management: Technology aids in minimizing risks associated with temporary staffing. By capturing and maintaining critical workforce data and using data analytics, businesses can identify and address potential issues such as high turnover rates, skills mismatches, or safety and security concerns. Predictive analytics can also forecast potential problems before they arise, allowing for proactive management.
Deliver better service and increased profitability
To recap, temporary workers are vital to the US hospitality industry, especially during peak seasons and events. As the hospitality industry continues to grow and evolve, leveraging technology to manage temporary workers will become increasingly important to maintain high standards of service and operational excellence.
Now is the time for hospitality and event management companies to revolutionize temporary workforce management. With JoinedUp, you will gain real-time visibility, rapid scheduling, and automated compliance, resulting in instant insights, optimized performance, and precise financial accuracy.
To learn how JoinedUp’s staffing automation tools can help your business increase service levels and profitability while meeting ever-changing market needs, contact JoinedUp today.